
Some People Are Worth Melting For


Some People Are Worth Melting For -  Olaf 
(Frozen Movie 2013)

Do Not Cry Because I Was Smiling


If one day the speed kills me, do not cry because I was smiling. - Paul Walker

We are the World for Philippines - Bangon Visayas


We are the World for Philippines (We Are The World 25 - Michael Jackson COVER by Filipino Artists) - Dumaguete Singers

In light of the calamity of typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda that left our fellowmen in Southern Visayas helpless.Artists of different ages,genres and backgrounds gather together for one common goal. To make this video as an encouragement to people to open their hearts, lend a helping hand and to thank the nations that offered aid to our country. WE ARE FOREVER GRATEFUL.To our fellow Filipinos, STAY STRONG! United we stand! BANGON VISAYAS! 

8 Deceptions Our Own Minds Play On Us.


Check out this list of deceptions our own minds play on us.

1. I would have been happier if I worked less.
Our minds often tend to come up with this argument, when we think that we would be happier if we did not have to work. We imagine in our heads a life full of pleasures and start falsely assuming that this would make us happier. However, the reality is that idleness is often the main cause of boredom and depression. We are hardworking and creative by nature. We have to solve problems and improve ourselves in order to be happy. Get up and put your heart and soul into something meaningful to you and you will see your own happiness greatly improve!
2. It’s not me, it’s them.
Our mind is trying to make us believe that our unhappiness is caused by people around us, our spouses, parents, etc. We are quick to throw accusations and complaints left to right, like a kid throwing toys in kindergarten. Of course, it takes two to tango, and just as often as we blame others, we feel guilty for the misfortune of other people. We need to take responsibility for our life and doeverything possible to improve the situation. The moment we take the responsibility for our lives, we will provide a solid foundation of our true happiness.
3. In order to be happy, I need to know the secret of happiness.
Most likely, there are no secrets to happiness or success. No matter how strongly books, authors and our own mind try to convince us, there is no secret key to open the door to our own happiness. Instead, you can create a vision of your perfect future, shape your own strategy, and then persistently and diligently work on achieving it. There are no shortcuts or secrets to the goals you are trying to achieve. By admitting this, you will advance much further along the path to happiness than trying anything else.
4. If only I had …
Our mind is trying to make us believe that we would be happier if we had the right job, the right house, the right car, or something like that. There is nothing wrong with wanting the best of things and circumstances, but it does not automatically make us happy. These things can make you feel good for some time, but they quickly fade away. Anyone who wants lasting happiness must realize that the ‘vessel’ of wants and desires is bottomless, and it can never be filled to the top.

5. I love what I have and do not want any changes.
By allowing ourselves think this way, we create conditions for a quick failure. Life is a journey with constant changes. Some of them we can control, some of them we cannot. Resistance to change or attempts to take control over everything are doomed to failure. Change is inevitable. You have to accept it and learn to navigate through a continuous stream of changes. The ability to adapt is very important for overall happiness.
6. If something did not happen to me, it never will.
Our mind often falls into despair and frustration when we are only a few steps away from success.Perseverance is very important to achieve happiness. Never let your mind trick you and take defeat. You do not know what tomorrow will bring you.
7. I can just avoid those things that I hate doing.
Typically, this applies to complex tasks, when our mind is trying to convince us to behave this way. Unfortunately, this can often be something that can bring the greatest reward for us. What are the things you put off? Why? Procrastination and avoidance of important things you need to accomplish only delay the moment of happiness entering your life. Do something about your goals and you will add more fuel into the fire of your happiness.

8. The world is dangerous and something awful can happen to me.
Our intelligence tells us that there are many things that are beyond our control. For example, natural disasters, crime and economic crisis. Fear is a powerful emotion, which is used by our mind when it is trying to take control over our actions.

Love Must Be The Key


If pain is the prison, then love must be the key to a free & happy life without confinement. #SpiritualTruths

Fight For It


If you believe in free will
If you believe in chance
if you believe in choice
...Fight for it.

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Right Perspective

Sometimes everything you want is right in front of your eyes, just waiting to be seen in a different way.

Heart's Desire


You are worthy of your hearts desire, but getting it 
requires the best of you!

Love Doesn't Rush


Love takes it's time. Love doesn't rush. Trust in Love's timing, it is always correct.


How To Make Someone Fall In Love With You? Check yourself whats lacking try this book.  

How to make someone fall in Love With YOU.

Set Goals


Set goals & then ask yourself, "Who do I have to become to attain this goal?". Then get busy becoming that person!

Sometimes Our Eyes are Blinded

Sometimes our eyes are blinded so we cannot see the One our soul loves. Yet God is there and is deeply touched. Let us not rely on our feelings but trust in His unswerving faithfulness.

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True Love is Spelled G.I.V.E


True love is spelled G-I-V-E. It is not based on what you can get,but rooted in what you can give to the other person.

If You Want to Lead


If you want to lead, then learn how to follow. - Jeor Mormont to Jon Snow 

The Hardest Part of Love


The hardest part of love isn't loving someone, but having the courage to let them love you back. - The Wedding Date

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Have a Happy Relationship


If you want to have happy relationships, you’ll have to stop trying to fix people and start appreciating them. - Bo Sanchez

Want to have a happy relationship or you want to get your Ex back? Try the Magic of Making Up .You Can Stop Your Break Up, Divorce or Lovers Rejection…Even If Your Situation Seems Hopeless! 

If you’ll take my hand, I’ll show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms – Especially if you are the only one trying…

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Giving Up


Giving up. Its not always a sign of failure if it frees you 

to take the path you're meant to be on.

It's Not Destiny that Determines "LOVE".


It's not destiny that determines "LOVE".

Its is choice.

Our so-called destiny is a lie...

Relationships last long not because they're destined to last long.
Relationships last long because two brave people made a CHOICE - to keep it,
to fight for it, and to work for it.

Meanwhile, other relationships fail not because they're destined to fail.
They failed because one of the two or both, made the choice..

to set the other free... :-)

When You Meet The Love of your Life

They say, when you meet the love of your life, time stops, and that’s true. What they don’t tell you is that when it starts again, it moves extra fast to catch up.

We cannot talk about God


We cannot talk about God, But woe to the one who remains silent about him. - St. Augustine

Love is not blind!


True love does not blind a person but rather makes him see.

Plenty of CASH!


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Never trust time to decide for you

Never trust time to decide for you...Yes it's proven that time is the best decision maker...But sometimes time makes its decision a little too late... Never trust time. Trust GOD He is never late!

Judas and Peter


The Difference Between Judas and Peter. Taken from the excerpt of Paulo Colho Novel Maktub.

At the Last Supper, Jesus accused -with the same gravity and using the same phrase -two of his apostles. Both had committed the crimes foreseen by Jesus. Judas Iscariot recovered his senses and condemned himself. Peter also recovered his senses, after denying three times everything he had believed in. But at the decisive moment, Peter understood the true meaning of Jesus’ message. He asked forgiveness and went on, humiliated. He could have chosen suicide, but instead he faced the other apostles and must have said: “Okay, speak of my error for as long as the human race exists. But let me correct it.” Peter understood that Love forgives. Judas understood nothing. - Paulo Coelho (Maktub)

I'll Follow Jesus

I wrote a song for the kids. The title of the song is I'll Follow Jesus. This was my first attempt to wrote a song. Hopefully I could write more for God.

Lyrics: Blair Jereza Music: Riah Bernardez

Verse 1
I start my day thanking You Lord
For creating this wonderful world
Everyday You bless me
You make me very happy

Verse 2
You are my God from up above
And you came down to show your love
You are my King, my majesty
Oh Jesus, lead the way for me

You teach me how to love and obey
I’ll do whatever you say
You teach me how to share and pray
I will worship you all day

Hey!  Everybody 
I’ll follow Jesus everyday
Like Mama Mary
I hope and pray 

Let’s follow Jesus everyday 

There is Love!


Today, many people will feel the absence of love as keenly as others celebrate its presence. In a world where there is love means so much, is there a word from the Lord for everyone, with or without a sweetheart?.

First John 4 focuses not being loved by other person, but on God's love for us and our love for one another (v 7-11). According to 1 Corinthians 13:7, this love "bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."  How is this possible? Because God's Love "has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit" (Rom. 5:5)

Long after the card and flowers are forgotten, there is love from God's hearts to ours!

On this day when we express undying love and faithfulness, Lets not forget that God above Gave us His Son in perfect love.

The more we understand God's love for us, the more we'll show to others.

Happy Valentines Day Souls! =)

Ignorance Kills Love

It is only ignorance that kills love – nobody betrays it. Both wanted to be together, but somehow both were ignorant. Their ignorance played tricks upon them and became multiplied. By and by they drifted. Then they think that love is dangerous. Love ...is not dangerous. Only unawareness is dangerous. -Osho

Females - Like Flowers in the Field


LOVE. Oh yes, there will be other females who'll be more beautiful, or more intelligent, or more this and more that... But they'll only be just that - FEMALES - like flowers in the field of million hectares of flower fields. But not this WOMAN - The one beautiful flower i have personally chosen, personally picked from her roots, personally planted n my own clay pot, and personally love every day, because if my love for her, there will be no one like her. - Bo Sanchez


It isn't what you have in your pocket that makes you thankful, but what you have in your heart.

Do Your Best!

Do your best and God will do the rest. Because if you do the rest you will be stressed.

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